Frequently asked questions about data technology and E-Group

University of Pécs’s yearly event Pollack EXPO took place at the last week of February this year. We were thrilled by this opportunity to present our company at this local job fair and talk about our most exciting and important projects. We got to know many talented graduates and students, who are deeply interested in the sphere of data technology, machine learning and innovation. Our professionals – Norbert Laky and Ádám Keszthelyi – were ready to answer all their questions regarding E-group’s activities and projects.

What’s the difference between machine learning and federated learning?

Federated learning (FL) is a machine learning done on data or network of datasets you don’t own. The main difference is that with FL the model is trained not on a central server, but at the devices locally, and only the parameters are leaving the devices and updating the central model. This brings a great advantage in terms of data privacy – since private data is not shared in the process, the risk that sensitive information is revealed is ameliorated.

What is NLP? Do E-Group have its own NLP model?

NLP, or Natural language processing is a uncial subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence, which give a computer program the ability to understand spoken or written human language.

We have experience in finetuning NLP models like BERT or GPT for our own needs, ranging from text classification to Text-To-Speech and even text generation, however we have not trained any of the large models from scratch. We have taught our own word2vec models (models that learn word associations, and can detect synonymous words or suggest additional words for a partial sentence) several times, to be able to extract data from large amounts of research papers.

How does DataLake work?

The DataLake is a sophisticated platform that provides the complete software ecosystem to run data integration, data analytics enhancements, data-quality curations, and other procedures. Basically, it enables organizations transform different kind of structured or unstructured data (like images, audio, video, text, etc.) into useful insights. Data Lake can ingest and store large amounts of high velocity and variety raw data, in its native format until needed. It makes it easy to reuse your data, as it’s always accessible in any form you need or you might need in the future.

In the project called OKOSKLINIKA, do you play a role of a databank? And can I join the system with my own smart device?

OKOSKLINIKA is a GDPR compliant IoT patient monitoring platform, that extracts information from smart devices and applications, stores and structures the data so that users can access it anytime, anywhere.
Yes, you can say that we are a databank, however we don’t only store the data, we also do calculations on it, to provide faster insights for the doctors and the patients. In terms of joining the system with your own smart device – currently, the only way to do it is to be invited by your doctor, but who knows what the future holds.

How exactly E-Group collaborate with medical schools?

We are working with several universities, including medical schools and faculties, like Semmelweis University, University of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pécs Medical School. Mostly our collaborations include joint work on innovations and academic research. We work very closely with researchers and professors, whom we support with our professional experience and technology, while they bring their expertise and knowledge to the collaboration. We also learn a lot of domain knowledge from them and make our technology stack and products more efficient and user friendly.
A good example of collaboration is the EHDEN project, where the university is the data partner and we are the service provider SME. As the result of this a complete data harmonization project the University of Pécs’s biggest health database has been mapped and transformed into OMOP CDM, which is a worldwide use data model for medical researchers, health institutes and medical tech companies.

What makes E-Group unique?

As a part of our team you will have an opportunity to deal with real problems, apply your knowledge and experience on actual real-life challenges, while staying true to yourself. E-Group takes pride in the diversity of its team, in its outstanding talents, without standardizing anyone. E-Group is a place, where you can be successful when you bring your true self to the table.

By the end of Pollack EXPO event we met a lot of promising prospective colleagues, and made many important connections. And we are happy to say that based on the feedback E-Group was one of the most appealing booths on this exhibition.

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