Innovation is a team sport!
In this new series of portrays, we introduce some of our team members, who are vital for our team’s success.
Yuping Yan is one of the several foreign team members at E-Group, all the way from Shanghai, China. Yuping has an educational background in the field of cybersecurity and cryptography. She earned her Bachelor’s degree back in China at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. Later on, she continued her education in Europe, completing her Master’s in the University of Trento in Italy and Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest.
Currently, she is working for E-Group, meanwhile, she is also finishing her PhD degree in cryptography at ELTE. The topic of her PhD thesis is ‘Anonymization and authentication in large databases’. She spends a lot of time and energy on her academic work and gets valuable help and consultancy from E-Group for her studies. As academic partner she receives a lot of guidance and mentoring in the fields of academic research projects and she is also able to access deep industry experience and expertise of the company. Working for E-Group provides her with an opportunity for professional growth and personal improvement.
Yuping joined E-Group 2 years ago, after she met Antal Kuthy, founder & CEO of E-Group, over an interesting discussion. She started an internship at the firm, where she is currently working as official academic partner in the roles of security analyst and software developer. She works actively in the joint venture of ELTE and E-Group, in the E-Group Data and Trust Industry LAB.
Antal Kuthy explains that Yuping is doing her EIT Digital Industrial PhD program at E-Group in collaboration with the ELTE doctoral school. As an industry PhD, it is pivotal that Yuping’s PhD activities are directly linked to market activity with her work in the lab, creating a new cryptography-driven product and enhancing our existing data security portfolio with new solutions.
Yuping participates in several of our projects, including the InnoHealth Datalake Project, China UnionPay Gateway and DealShopper, where she is performing security analysis. She says her favorite project to work on is InnoHealth Datalake, that is the one she finds the greatest challenges. The main aim of this project of E-Group in collaboration with the University of Pécs is to develop and implement the concept of a novel complex IT system (’Datalake’) capable of collecting, storing and analyzing all types of health data (which are generated in healthcare activities and services at UP, together with all relevant external data). It also serves as a prototype for domestic and regional (e.g. V4) healthcare systems.
“As an academic partner I like working for E-Group, first of all, because of Antal’s personality. His visions are inspiring and he keeps encouraging people to achieve more. Another reason is that people here are very friendly. It is a very good environment, so many great minds with different personalities. You could learn a lot from these professionals.”
Yuping shares her Budapest apartment with her puppy, whose name is translated to English as “White as a cloud”. She is also an avid piano player in her free time. She practices playing Ferenc Liszt, however she characterizes the compositions of this virtuoso pianist as more than just complicated. Yuping loves Hungary. She describes Budapest as a very beautiful and vivid city. Her parents are also fond of the capital of Hungary, so they visit her quite often. In their opinion, Hungary is a safe country for enjoying the colorful European culture.